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Something Bad Happened to Me

They threw the Woman’s Tongue into the garbage…
Now the centuries will cover it

Something bad happened to me
Look at what you’re doing to me
You’re separating my nails from their flesh
Something bad happened to me
I’m not well
Look at me, see what I’m doing
I’m hanging myself by my hair
Something bad happened to me

I gathered these words not from poets
But from knife wounds
A hundred percent rancor and hatred…

İnci Eviner

İnci Eviner Retrospective: Who’s Inside You?, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul, 2016 
Looping on Thin Ice, Pearl Lam Galleries, Shangai, 2016

Installation view from The Inci Eviner Retrospective “Who’s Inside You?”, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul, 2016

HD Video, 6’53’’ loop